When you book a stay with us at Lundy House Hotel, rest assured knowing that you have one car parking space allocated per room, so no need to pay any fees/find parking elsewhere during your stay.
However, if you are visiting with more than one car, here are our recommendations for places to park during your stay:
Overnight parking option
Mortehoe car park:
Lundy House falls between both Woolacombe and Mortehoe, this car park is around a 15-minute walk from the hotel. Overnight parking is allowed, so you are welcome to book a space and leave it there for the duration of your stay. You can book either 4 or 7-night permits online via the North Devon council website - northdevon.gov.uk/parking - Mortehoe Village Car Park EX34 7DT - operated by North Devon Council.
Woolacombe village
If you are visiting during the warmer months, you will struggle to find parking in the Village. Often even the locals struggle to park near their homes. If you are looking for long-term overnight parking you may be lucky, but it is unlikely. We recommend parking in Mortehoe. You may be lucky if you are visiting in some of the quieter months, but overnight parking spaces are hard to find.
Ready to book a stay at our dog-friendly bed and breakfast in Woolacombe?
Please contact us directly on 07969 723811 to make sure you get the best booking rates!